Research at VyatSU

VyatSU scientist Elena Gordeeva took part in an important international meeting

  • 29 October 2020, 10:09
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2458
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was the guest of the virtual event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the UN

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, a virtual meeting took place with Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, granddaughter of former US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (term of office March 4, 1933 - April 12, 1945) and his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt. Since 1945, the international holiday "UN Day" has been celebrated annually on October 24. At the invitation of the American Center in Moscow, Elena Gordeeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, VyatSU, took part in the conversation dedicated to the UN anniversary.

Elena Mikhailovna recalled that the UN is a unique international organization. It was founded after the Second World War by representatives of 51 countries, pursuing a course of maintaining peace and security throughout the world, developing friendly relations between countries and promoting social progress, improving living conditions and the situation in the field of human rights. Franklin Roosevelt's role in the creation of the UN is widely known. It was he who, in 1942, proposed the name "United Nations". The final agreement on the establishment of the organization was reached in 1945 in Yalta during a meeting of the leaders of the three countries of the anti-Hitler coalition: Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.

Much less is known about Eleanor Roosevelt's role in the UN. But it was she, as the chairman of the UN Commission on Human Rights, who played an important role in the creation in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. During the virtual meeting, Anna Roosevelt emphasized:

- Named "First Lady of the World" for her humanitarian achievements, Eleanor Roosevelt has worked her entire life to recognize and implement the rights set out in the Declaration. Eleanor Roosevelt's legacy is a growing number of (international) laws protecting the rights of people around the world.

Today, the unique character of the UN and the powers entrusted by the Charter give the Organization the opportunity to carry out activities on a wide range of issues, including peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, sustainable development, the fight against terrorism, environmental protection, and solving global medical problems. At the same time, the United Nations is a forum for 193 member states, which allows them to express their point of view through UN bodies, institutions and specialized agencies. Speaking at the plenary session of the 75th jubilee session of the UN General Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted:

The colossal potential and experience of the UN is in demand and serves as a good basis for moving forward.

International law of the UN and its specialized agencies is also studied at Vyatka State University. Students get to know it in the classroom on the discipline "International Public Law".


Translated by Artemy Sizov


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